Thursday, January 31, 2013

Writing Style

Writing style is very important for readers. If your style is too bold you may alienate readers and may lose a lot of readers because they won’t agree with what you have to say. For instance, the article “Put your money where their mouths are” has some very bold and specific statements that can potentially make readers lose interest because they do not agree with it. This style may work and does have its place in writing but I don’t think it is very effective. My writing style is usually very opposite to that article. I prefer to state my opinion and then explain it throughout the paper. It is important to clearly take a side especially in papers like the opinion editorial you need to clearly state your opinion and then back it up. However, it does not have to be done so boldly, you can be clear and state your arguments and opinions without alienating readers. My style is generally to persuade by giving information and personal situations that the reader can relate to. I think that my style can be a little wordy with my sentences. I tend to add a lot of extra words to sentences usually trying to add some length to the paper. Making my sentences wordy can also make my sentences repetitive because while trying to add length I end up saying the same thing I have already said. I think often times this happens because I’m not quite sure what I want to say. I hope that by the end of this semester I can learn how to write more effectively and get my points across clearly.


  1. Yes, I do agree with you that in "Put Your Money Where Their Mouths Are" is a bold article and that it may alienate some of its readers. I also tend to repeat myself when I try to lengthen the size of my paper.

  2. I think a lot of us tend to make our sentences to long. I know sometimes I run on about a topic if I am trying to extend my paper. It's good that we learn to notice things like that so we can fix them.

  3. You make a great point that personal style varies according to circumstance. I have a very different writing style when writing in my journal for example, than when I'm writing a formal paper or even commenting on a blog. Are you always direct in your explanation/opinions even when you're writing less formally?
