Friday, January 11, 2013


In my life i haven't ever put much thought into globalization, but i have always realized that a lot of what we have and do is thanks to another country and the influence that it has had on us. If you think about it the United States is based upon globalization when the immigrants from Europe brought there culture, ideas and technology to establish there new lives. But after time it seems that we have developed many things and have created our own culture and this is starting to become one of the biggest outputs of globalization. Its quiet astonishing to me to see how big of an influence that one country can have on all of the world and how this gives them so much power. During my whole time in the mission i saw that the united states was always looked up to and i could see the effect all around me. The clothes they wore, the music they listened to, the movies they watched and even a lot of the words that they used were all designed by or from the U.S. This makes you feel very privileged to be from the U.S. This can also cause you to become sad because of all that we have and so little that they have. Most of what they have and enjoy is received from what we no longer want or need. But what is good about this is the majority of theses things are donated and so the people can enjoy them at a lower price. Knowing this has helped me come to the conclusion that Globalization is a good thing when the stronger and economically well off countries help out the ones who lack these benefits. But it usually causes a lot of problems when the better off country is benefiting from the countries who are not so well off. This comes to show that globalization will always have its benefits and on the other hand will always have its bad effects.


  1. I strongly agree with that logic. Seeing firsthand the effects it has on other nations, I feel that the overall benefits outweigh the harmful effects it might have.

  2. I like that you looked at both sides of the issue. I think its important to realize that while globalization is not inherently bad, but rather still brings about many positive effects, it may sometimes lead to some countries dominating others.
