Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Globalization of American Media

My issue paper topic is the globalization of American media. I chose this topic because the media that is produced in the United States has greatly spread across the world. Media including music, movies, television and even video games. All of theses areas in media have become very popular in many countries around the world and the popularity continues to grow. My topic discusses the globalization of American ways and ideas through the media. Because the media is a broad communication through music, movies, radio and television, our ideas and our ways are easily transmitted to those who around these things. Those who participate in these different types of media are automatically influenced and will adopt a part of our ways and ideas.
The globalization of the American media seems to be accepted mostly by the younger generations. The older generations do not welcome the idea of changing their ways, their ideas, or their culture. The older generation believes that the influence of the American culture is corrupting the younger generation. But the younger generation enjoys the American influence because the quality of American media is far greater. From my point of view i can see that the Globalization of American media has both a good and a bad effect. Because the American media has a lot of violence, vulgarity, and sexual content, those who view it could and probably will be effected in a negative way. But the quality and the broad variety of media that the US can offer is unbeatable. This allows access to pretty much what ever you want allowing everyone to be able to enjoy what they enjoy at the best quality possible.   


  1. I think this is a very interesting topic. I think it is also interesting how a lot of these countries somewhat try to model the United States and become like us. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future with the influence of the US.

  2. I think there is a delicate balance, because in may respects the American value system helps many regions of the world, but at the same time the media being shared does not represent the majority of values. Not to mention, holding on to culture is something important! I can't wait to see where this paper goes!!
