Thursday, April 4, 2013

Reading vs. Writing

I do think the processes between reading and writing are similar in a lot of aspects however, I do think they are different as well. I think that if we want to be good writers, reading is necessary.  Reading helps people to learn how to write better.  Both active processes so both take work. Reading is how we intake information while writing is somewhat of a brainstorming activity in which we put thought forward to write down.  We do analyze what we read and as do what we choose to write. But we do not effortlessly write as we do read.  Your brain can automatically read a sign without you giving it permission to.  Your brain cannot help it. However, many like myself, have to put serious thought into what to write. It is not effortless like reading. I like to think the thought process of writing is the opposite of reading. As you read your brain automatically picks up words and you input them into a box in your brain. When writing, you have to consciously open that box to put words to together to put onto paper.  It takes work.  I actually think there was a real study done on how the brain works in terms of reading. I can't remember exactly what the results were, but it did go over how your brain, at free will , will read on its own and you can't stop it from doing it.


  1. I do agree that reading is more of taking in information and writing is more of an output process. Great Post.

  2. I agree when writing something i believe most people pay more attention because it is their own work. But when someone is reading, their attention span is a lot smaller.
